Tag Archive | good


Right or Wrong. True or False.  Good or Evil.

Are there really absolutes or are these archaic concepts?  Do they apply to my life and yours, are they relevant to everyday living…or are my rights right regardless of the infringement upon your rights?  My truth the absolute truth, my good right and yours wrong?

In America, the founding fathers agreed to the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain and signed it with determination.  They envisioned a land where “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  They believed that these truth were “self-evident”.

The position of being dominated by the king of England was repugnant to them, they believed they had the right to govern themselves. The founding fathers of America looked forward to an America where the principles that they held dear, ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”, would be the standard by which the new nation would live.  They were independent, they fought for what they believed and won against all odds.  A new nation was born.

Yet, as often happens, the vision of the founder does not come to fruition when the visionary dies.  Those who take over after him cannot see what he saw and therefore, they decide they have a better way…their way.  “Out with the old, in with the new.”  “A new broom sweeps clean.”  Change.

America today has many problems.  What has been the norm for hundreds of years is now being interpreted, challenged and changed or ignored altogether.  There are “conspiracy theories” that some group has put into motion a plan to take away the rights of the American people, reversing what the founding fathers fought, bled and died for.  America is in trouble.

Have you heard this:  “If it feels good, do it!”  “If you don’t take care of number one, who will?” 

I suggest that in the world today, not just in America, what matters to most people is what they think and what they want.  People don’t want anyone telling them what they can and cannot do.  “I have the right to do what I want to do.”

Consider this word:  Relevant.  Not right or wrong.  Not good or evil,  Not even true or false, only what I think matters, what is important to me, what is relevant to my life.

We teach our children to be independent from a very young age; we train them to take care of themselves, we help them learn to walk, go “potty”, tie their shoes, dress themselves etc.; we see it as “growing up”.  It is a good thing.  A child is thought backward if they do not become independent.

The Declaration of Independence states the intent of the founding fathers, that America is an independent nation, no longer dependent upon Britain and her king, that we have the right to govern ourselves as we see fit through majority rule.  It was a good thing, a goal to strive for.

But today, many have declared themselves independent of constraint or restraint when they feel that their rights are not being honored.  They fight against the majority of Americans, not to just do what they want to do, but to force society to support them in what they want to do.

I don’t have to enumerate the “rights” that are fought over today, I have no doubt that they are clear to all of us.  But, I want to provoke you, dear reader, to consider how the “rights” of the minority have infringed upon the “rights” of the majority.

How can a small minority of people or even one person, cause a whole society to be changed.  Is it because they cry the loudest or is it because it is  “the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.”?  Or is there another reason, something that is far deeper, something hidden to the natural eye?

“In the beginning God”…  I believe it is because we have taken God out of the picture.  A friend of mine used to say,  “The world is going to Hell in a hand basket.” It appears to me that society is going forward into the hand basket of “relevance”, that the whole fabric of American society is being permeated by this insidious enemy.  An enemy that shoves everything out of the picture but human self-will.  A society that is moved by its senses….”If it feels good, do it.”

There is movement in the church that has pushed the one true God out for a version of their own making.  A God who loves people just where they are, and He does, who does not bring any conviction regarding sin or styles of living, which He does not do, rather He “disciplines those He loves”.   They rewrite the Bible in their minds, omitting those things they don’t agree with.  And once more the Christ, the Messiah, is the stumbling block.  Because He is Truth they must counterfeit Him for another Jesus.  This is what religion always does.

The “Emergent Church” is the buzz word for what is happening in the Christian religion, old is bad, new is good, so out with the old and in with the new.  Another new thing on the scene is “Chrislam” which combines Christianity and Islam.  They believe that Allah and God are one and the same.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  This did not happen, could not happen, until Jesus was removed from His rightful place as the Son of God, divinely born, crucified, dead, buried and resurrected.

My point…In 1963 we shoved God out of school.  Since then He has been pushed out of literally every area of our lives.  Several Christian denominations have put away foundational doctines of the faith because they are “no longer relevant” to today’s society.

Soon to arise on the scene will be a “religion” that is acceptable to all man-kind, acceptable to all religions.  It will be relevant.  It will be accepted, even hailed by the masses.  Humanity at last will have a god that all can worship, a perfect human.

The one true God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, is no longer honored and respected in the life of individuals, in the home and thus in the society.  We have arrived at the time when every man is doing what is right in his own eyes.  It is the evil day that is spoken of in Scripture.

There are absolutes.  There is that which is right and yet does not infringe upon the right of another, there is truth that never changes and there is good, found in the only One who is good.  And, there is unity in diversity that does not command conformity but allows freedom for the person to be all that the creator planned for him.

Unity is Freedom to be what God designed you to be.  Uniformity demands conformity.

United States of America…United, in Union, in Unity of agreement and purpose.  But not now……….  Splintered, shattered, wounded……..America is sick unto death.  How long before collapse… internally or from wounds inflicted from enemies?  Sorrow in the creator’s heart, grief.  His plan for her was good, but she chose her own way, like her sister before her.  What next? Only God knows……

If you believe, pray.

I am thoughtfully and prayerfully His,
